Monday, November 30, 2009

"Don't worry about your heart, It will last as long as you live."

People sometimes forget to see things as moments and colors. Feelings and sounds. Smells, emotions, and light. They lose sight of the beauty in things. They take things too literal and view them as objects and events, situations and circumstances. It’s when you take time to step out of the habitual normality of so called reality, and separate things for what they really are and what they mean in time, then you might appreciate the beauty in life, even the filth. Now, I'm not saying I analyze the color of my shampoo while in the shower, I'm just stating that in my memories I may retain some smell and color. I might not recall your exact words, but I'll remember the way you sat and the meaning of the words you spoke. I may sound like a lunatic, but I know for every five words spoken, one is heard. I’m not sure how healthy it is to live in fantasy world of beauty and see things like this, but it’s given me happiness and let’s me find joy in simple things, big and small, and I think that sounds and feels just right. Just a thought I had last night.


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