Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If it makes you happy

I see the fancy cars and lovely homes; jewelry and the rotting bones. I’m glad to say those things will never make me who I want to be. I’d rather leave an imprint with my blood, sweat, and tears than leave my nice car’s bass ringing in your ears. Now don’t get me wrong, I like nice things, I like nice cars, I like the bling and the expensive bars, but when I come home I like to know, I didn’t lose sight of the cause. When I share what I know, It’s nice to know it’s a part of myself I’m giving, not of the things I own. Money won’t make you happy, it will make things easier and pleasant. I love easy and pleasant, but sometimes that makes you lose sight of the things going on in the real life. I’d much rather know I’ve helped someone through my experience and struggles, than to think I left them lusting for my empty bones drenched in expensive stones. Oh, expensive stones, expensive stones, I lust for you and nobody knows, that you’re hollow and you shine catching the brightest of light and you look so perfect, but you bring nothing. Perfection on my wrist, on my fingers, on my neck, falling down my back and changing nothing. Beauty will always lie inside, I pity those who believe otherwise.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold."


keep on keeping on.