Saturday, December 19, 2009

We don't have to agree on everything, you know.

It's something that sometimes slips our mind and makes us feel uneasy. The disagreement of something you feel strongly about. You might feel a need to defend your integrity and that of which you love, but what you need not forget is that the world consists of millions and millions of people, each with their own individual thoughts, billions and billions ideals differing from one another. Don't you love it? To think somebody else will feel the exact same thing as you and to feel threatened by any glitch in this is a terrible mistake to make. We need to remember diversity and appreciate it for everything it is worth. The basic element in this is understanding and accepting that you will not agree with everybody or everything you encounter. This is real, this is life, it is beautiful. Fear not, nobody can change who you are or what you believe in, these are choices that belong to nobody but yourself. Listen, learn, comprehend, and don't change, unless you want to. Live life in love, and appreciate the good things that come your way. Understand the beauty in things, open your eyes, and breathe in everything that feels good to you. It's not all wrong, it's not all bad, it's different and it offers a change. It's truth and it speaks for itself, just like everybody should do. Like the great Shakespeare once wrote, "Speak what you feel not what you ought to say". Keep this in mind, we don't have to agree on everything, you know.


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