Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Why won't you let me love you?"

Closer is a splendid movie, that's what I'm doing tonight by the way, watching movies; it's a movie kind of night. The film was written by Patrick Marber and produced and directed by Mike Nichols. The stars of the film are Natalie Portman (one of my favorite actresses), Julia Roberts (another amazing actress), the gorgeous Jude Law, and the wonderful Clive Owen. The film depicts a story of love and all of the complexities that come with giving your heart to someone. It is tragic and emphasizes passion and emotion behind actions and motives when dealing with love. It shines a light on the devotion one feels to their love and the heartache and frustration that comes with deception. I absolutely love this film and recommend it to everybody, it's a great watch. Here's a few of my favorite quotes from the film.

"It's a lie. It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully, and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art say it's beautiful 'cause that's what they want to see. But the people in the photos are sad, and alone, but the pictures make the world seem beautiful. So the exhibition's reassuring, which makes it a lie, and everyone loves a big fat lie."

"Look at me. Tell me you're in love with me."

"when I'm not there you look for me."

"She has the moronic beauty of youth, but she's sly."

"The mirror says, "Who the fuck are you?"

"Deception is brutal. I'm not pretending otherwise."

"I can't see you. If I see you, I'll never leave you."

ALICE: What will you do if I find someone else?
DAN: Be jealous.
ALICE: You still fancy me?
DAN: Of course.
ALICE: You're lying. I've been you. Will you hold me?

"Why isn't love enough?"

"Now fuck off and die, you fucked up slag."

"Lying's the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but it's better if you do."

"Because I'm obsessed with you, because I can't get over you. Because I think on some small level you owe me something for deceiving me so exquisitely. For all these reasons, I am begging you to give me your body. "

"I didn't do it to give her a nice time. I fucked her to fuck you up. A good fight is never clean. And yeah, of course she enjoyed it. As you know, she loves a guilty fuck."

"you think love is simple. You think the heart is like a diagram."

"Have you ever see a human heart? It looks like a fist wrapped in blood! Go fuck yourself. You writer! You liar!"

"She hates your hands. She hates your simplicity."

"You don't know the first thing about love because you don't understand compromise."

"Show me! Where is this love? I... I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words. Whatever you say is too late."


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