Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chai Latte

I'm sitting in a very quaint coffee shop with lots of character, delicious scents, and sounds. People are quiet, relaxed, and happily sipping on their personal choices out of the extensive and delectable sounding menu. I am sipping on an iced chai latte with a grandiose serving of whip cream to top it off and picking at a very fluffy moist cake with a cheesecake filling/frosting, sprinkled with various nuts and lots of love. It is all absolutely scrumptious; I am enjoying this very much. I am not alone. I am accompanied by two very good friends of mine and the familiar tapping of keys as we type our to-do lists, homework, and socialize our lives away. Yes, we are lost in our cyber networking worlds yet somehow, we're holding very deep conversations simultaneously. I find this kind of funny, but very pleasing. Making plans, breaking others, sharing sorrows, and laughing off all our extra bothers. These are my favorite kinds of afternoons. Beautiful Sunday it's been, it's treated me well. I needed a relaxing kind of Sunday after the wild Saturday I spent last night, but I won't get into that. Earlier, I spent time with family and went out for lunch and had myself an amazing pasta dish. It was a bit spicy, but sooo good and full of mushrooms! Have I ever mentioned my immense love for mushrooms? I love any cuisine that has these divine magic ingredient in it, and no I'm not talking about the hallucinogenic kind. Anyway, I'll stop talking about food and drugs now. I thought I'd take advantage of the soothing moods and the quality time I'm spending with my laptop. Let's see,where did I last leave off? THE PLAY! Well, as for my part in The Vagina Monologues, I GOT IT!! I'm so happy about that, I love the cast and everybody involved. Everybody's so sweet and I can't wait to get started. LOVE! My painting is on it's way and unraveling beautifully. This is a very special piece to me and I'm falling in love with it. Everything about this piece symbolizes something special to me and my life, even the canvas it's being developed upon. I'm very excited to see the finished product. I don't really want to sell it.. but we'll see, this may be subject to change. AUDITIONS!! I have another audition to go to this weekend, for film. I hope my acting skills are improving and I wow my way into a part. It sounds like a very fun project that I'd love to be a part of. The monologues are in Spanish so I will have to bust out some of my sexy Latin spice for the part. NOW MY FAVORITE.. MUSIC! Music is currently being developed and worked on. It's weird and I'm not sure most people will get this, BUT I've finally found my voice and it's ready to put on a show, which is good since I have to sing in front a class full of strangers next month, TWICE. MY MODELING CAREER! As for photo shoots, they are planned, wardrobes are being composed and collected, moods are roaring, and beautiful ideas are stirring. I've been working on my look actually. I figured I'd enhance everything I've been given. I have a gym membership now, which I am putting to VERY good use, and my body is in the best shape it has ever been in (something I am very proud of). I've also been getting weekly facials and using a very tedious skin care routine and it is working wonders for my complexion. My goal is to someday have 'flawless' skin. I can't wait 'till I see the day; it's coming soon; it's going well. ANYWAY, I'll post pics of my projects as they come and let you guys know about the progress as it happens. I must run, I hope you guys had a lovely weekend and I'll write again soon!


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