Friday, January 29, 2010

CIGARETTE BREAK; death breath

My painting is about done, which I'm so proud and fucking relieved about, excuse the language, I'm just very happy about this. I went to school, I've finished all my homework, I've gone to work, and now I'm home. I have more to do, but I'm really sleepy so I'm taking a break and watching Paris, J'Taime, one of my FAVORITE movies I should add, while drinking tea and eating chocolates; so good this is truly relaxation paradise for me right now. If you have not watched this film you should definitely scurry about and do so. It is a series of stories of Love, from the city of Love, Paris, directed by twenty-two different incredibly talented directors. This film is brilliantly and elegantly executed and each "quartier" brings a new encounter and emotion with romance at its core. I absolutely love this film and the different styles and techniches each director used in their short to convey the stories of folk in the varied transitions and stages of love. Each story is unique and you are bound to pick a favorite and relate to one or more in way or another. I highly recommend this film. Anyway, I'm off to lay around in my nickers. Toodles! Oh, and here's a clip of Quartier de la Madeline by Vincenzo Natali, one of the short stories of the film to give you a taste. It features of course the lovely Elijah Wood and Emily Mortimer.


Carol: Sitting there, alone in a foreign country, far from my job and everyone I know, a feeling came over me. It was like remembering something I'd never known before or had always been waiting for, but I didn't know what. Maybe it was something I'd forgotten or something I've been missing all my life. All I can say is that I felt, at the same time, joy and sadness. But not too much sadness, because I felt alive. Yes, alive. That was the moment I fell in love with Paris. And I felt Paris fall in love with me.

Thomas: And you were accepted, of course. You moved from Boston to Paris into a little apartment on the rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis. I showed you our neighborhood, my bars, my school. I introduced you to my friends, my parents. I listened to your texts, your singing, your hopes, your desires, your music. You listened to mine. My Italian, my German, a bit of Russian. I gave you a walkman. You gave me a pillow. And one day, you kissed me. Time went by, time flew and everything seemed so easy, so simple, so free, so new, so unique. We went to the movies, we went dancing, we went shopping, we laughed, you cried, we swam, we smoked, we shaved, sometimes for no reason, or for a reason. Yes, sometimes for a reason. I brought you to the academy, I studied for my exams, I listened to your singing, to your hopes, your desires, your music. You listened to mine. We were close, so close, ever so close. We went to the movies, we swam, we laughed. You screamed, sometimes for a reason and sometimes without. Time went by, time flew. I brought you to the academy, I studied for my exams. You listened to my Italian, German, Russian, French. I studied for my exams. You screamed, sometimes for a reason. Time went by for no reason. You screamed for no reason. I studied for my exams, my exams, my exams. Time went by, you screamed, you screamed, you screamed. I went to the movies.

Francine: Thomas Listen. Listen. There are times when life calls out for a change. A transition. Like the seasons. Our spring was wonderful, but summer is over now and we missed out on autumn. And now all of a sudden, it's cold, so cold that everything is freezing over. Our love fell asleep, and the snow took it by surprise. But if you fall asleep in the snow, you don't feel death coming. Take care

You're In Love? I'm in Love too.

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