Sunday, January 31, 2010

If I'm bound to forget you, don't let me be

The procrastinating Queen is at it again! I have a test tomorrow and I'm supposed to be studying and finishing writing pages of bull to get extra points, but I got bored and decided to munch on greasy chips and write in my blog instead. I did a little shopping today and bought myself a truckload of candy, some false eyelashes, and an new eyelash curler because mine seem to vanish into thin air for some strange reason. I like looking extra special and having lovely lovey dovey eyes during the month of February because of course it's all about the girls, and everybody loves a girl with pretty peepers and batty lashes. I'm sporting pink nails right now, but I think I'll do red for Valentine's. Speaking of which, I don't have one yet. First time in years, but then again I am a single bird now. Well I did get asked already, but the date was just too much. I don't think my mother would approve to have me traveling out of state for a weekend date with someone who isn't even my boyfriend and my mother's opinion does count. Anyway, we'll see how that goes. I'm off to finish my duties and not fall asleep.

I'll leave you with my lovely company, the always charming, favorite of mine, Gregory and the Hawk.

I cannot express how much I love Meredith Godreau, she's a huge influence and inspiration to me so this is not the last you'll hear of her. Amazing woman, touching lyrics and marvelous sound.

This is
Blame-Qui and Coco.


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