Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I'm debating continuing this blog.
It's rather annoying seeing your favorites being torn apart by shit kind of folks.

to share or not to share? that is the question.



Mayra said...

Don't do it!
I quite enjoy seeing several things you put on here, mostly because we have them in common. :)
Who cares what anyone says! It's your blog, your thoughts, your words.

LuisRmz0 said...

I totally agree with Mayra. Who cares what people say?

Part of what comes with being a writer is the scrutiny that we have to put up with. I mean, even Shakespeare has his detractors. So, in that sense, you're kind of like him now. One step closer to greatness, see? :P

Also, I enjoy reading your stuff and posts. In short, keep on truckin'. or writing. You get me.