Thursday, January 21, 2010

Now, now

I've been slacking! Such a shame. So I decided to not delete my blog after all because when it comes down to it, and if I'm perfectly and utterly honest with myself and everybody, I could really give a fuck what anybody else thinks. Well no, I'm lying. I do care about what my family and those close to my heart think about what I'm doing with myself and putting out there, but they don't read this, at least I don't think they do. Anyway, I have so much to catch you guys up on. My LOVE painting is almost done and the show is growing so much hype! I'm very excited about that, the days are flying! I started school too. Winter break is over and I'm kind of glad. I'm back in action! I really like all my classes and I like all the new faces; it's fresh; it's cool. OH! Let's not leave out the part where I got myself a new JOB!! It's an office job and I'm pretty psyched about that. I'm an office assistant in a Human Resources office, so that should be nice. What else, Oh, I auditioned for the Vagina Monologues yesterday too. That was so nerve racking, but I loved it! I felt this type of empowerment while talking about such risque' topics and taking on such 'enthusiastic' characters while all eyes were glued on me. My friend, the one who recommended me, said that after I auditioned she saw a star next to my name. I'm not exactly sure what that means and neither is she, but stars are always a good thing, at least as far as my experiences with stars go. I also have a project to do that involves my acting and singing! I'm so nervous about that, but anticipating it with eagerness. I've been writing for years now and singing and I really want to get myself out there. I really do enjoy singing and I'd love to be heard. I think I have some interesting things to share and I think that's the perfect start to get rid of my stomach wiggles and nerves. I've discovered new loves that I'm excited to share also, but come time, when I actually have time. I'll try to write more soon! keep it tuned loves xx


Anonymous said...

I got you an owl.

Amely said...

Well mr./mrs. anonymous.. thank you!

HOWEVER, I do not know the proper care of an owl, so I don't think I'd be the best owner.

I doubt this is what you meant though haha so please clear it up! I'm veeeery curious

Anonymous said...

Cute owl innit?

Amely said...

Actually, it is very cute. It has an evil robot vibe going on, but I find very charming nonetheless.